Your listing on Lev You Lots

On Lev You Lots there are two types of listing: basic and professional.

A basic listing is free. A pro listing gives you complete control over your content. And you can pick from a range of premium features.

Basic listing


Professional listing

per year per place. One-off per event.
At-a-glance summary
Basic imagery
Important links
Bus, train and bike directions
Professional photography
Customer reviews
Owner biographies
Custom call-to-actions
Linked events and places
Social or custom links
And loads more...

A breakdown of your listing



A quick summary with need-to-know information.

A wonderful place

At a glance

Family friendly
Pets welcome
Veggie options
Great for vegans

When and where

1 January 2021 - 3 January 2021
Your place


Basic imagery that gives people a feel for the atmosphere.

About section

Tell people about it, and give them any useful links where they can find more information.


This section serves as a little, short summary about your place, event. It's a chance to sell it in a couple of lines.

Good to know

This is a generic summary about the place, with any relevant info that people might need to make an informed choice about whether to visit or not.


We provide bus and train directions, as well as giving cyclists an idea of what to expect when they get there. 

Getting there, greener


The nearest bus stop is Crayfield Road, served by


Your place is about a 7 minute walk from Levenshulme Train Station.


There are several places to lock bicycles nearby, on Stockport Road.

Customer reviews and testimonials

Share nice things that people have to say.
"The food here is incredible. And there was something on the menu for everyone. We'll definitely be back."
"At this point, I'm not sure we'd go anywhere else. Hands down the best takeaway in Levenshulme."

Put a face behind the name

Introduce the people behind the business or event, and bring a personal touch to your listing.
"I started Lev You Lots in 2021 as a passion project. When we moved to Levenshulme, we couldn't believe how many incredible independent shops and artists there are here - and I wanted to help people discover them all. It beats giving all our money to Amazon and the supermarkets."
Owner, Lev You Lots

Professional photography

We'll arrange professional photography that you can use on Lev You Lots, social media and your own website*.
*Full image rights, which means you can use your photos anywhere, all of the time, is priced separately. 

And give you complete control over your content

You add more links, to menus, book a table or social media.


This section serves as a little, short summary about your place, event. It's a chance to sell it in a couple of lines.

Good to know

This is a generic summary about the place, with any relevant info that people might need to make an informed choice about whether to visit or not.

Point people in the right direction

Custom call-to-actions that help people make a decision.

Responsibly sourced

Locally sourced, seasonal ingredients. Low impact, full flavour.
Find out more

100% organic cotton

Better quality clothing that's kind on the planet, as well as on you.
Find out more

More professional features

Introduce your team

"I'm the head chef, and I've been cooking since I was 6. A lot of the recipes I use are my mother's."
Business Name
"We often work on designs individually, but then bounce ideas off each other."
Business Name

Tell people about upcoming events, right from your listing

And help people tell friends about it

Ready to get on Lev You Lots?


Basic listing


Professional listing

per year per place. One-off per event.
At-a-glance summary
Basic imagery
Important links
Bus, train and bike directions
Professional photography
Customer reviews
Owner biographies
Custom call-to-actions
Linked events and places
Social or custom links
And loads more...

Got something to add? We're a message away.

Since 2021
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